Ahmedabad: Lakshmandevines Chudasama, a 67-year-old population in the Odhav Ahmedabad area, has faced one time in trauma for life twice: He has survived the fire of the Godhra 2002 train and a series of Serial 2008.
On February 27, 2002, Chudasama, a Parishad worker Vishwa Hindu who was active at the time, traveled at Sabarmati Express with his colleagues to Ahmedabad City from Faizabad at Uttar Pradesh.
“About an hour before the S6 coach is arranged, I have moved to another train coach just before Bogie’s guard meets with several other workers,” Chudasama said.
“I witnessed an attack where around 59 people were killed.
But I survived the massacre.” Chudasama is a partner in two single screen theaters in Ahmedabad, one in Khokhra and the others in Bubaagar.
On the night of July 26, 2008, Chudasama was near Dhanvantari’s hospital at Bubaagar when someone told him about the explosion.
“I scolded the person because I thought he was joking.
Then I saw a wounded person in a hurry to Dhanvantari’s hospital,” Chudasama said.
“Because it is a Saturday night, not many doctors exist and the facilities are limited.
So those who were injured were taken to a civil hospital in Asarwa.” Chudasama said that he helped six people injured into an ambulance and accompanied them to a civil hospital.
“When I got out of the ambulance, I saw Pradipshad Jadeja (former Minister of State for home) and began making arrangements for hospitalization from injured,” Chudasama said.
“But in seconds, there was a blind flash and the sound of deafening and I found myself severely bloody.” A bomb has left.
Chudasama said that he had the first time having six people and another injured person claimed to be a civil hospital and then looked for care for himself.
“I see the body and body parts mutilated.
I see the dead in the ward and I can’t forget the scream,” Chudasama said.
He was a witness to prosecution in both cases.
As for the verdict, Chudasama said that justice was finally conveyed and demanded an example sentence for prisoners.