Heaven can wait, maybe, but not a phone call for the Pope – News2IN

Heaven can wait, maybe, but not a phone call for the Pope

Heaven can wait, maybe, but not a phone call for the Pope
Written by news2in

Vatican City: Maybe heaven can wait, but phone calls for the Pope can not.
In a clear unusual break from the protocol, Pope Francis took a cellphone from the aide while standing on the middle stage at the Vatican Auditorium for the viewers Wednesday weekly weekly.
Francis, who has blessed the participants near the end of the event, chatting out a few minutes with anyone at the other end.
The Pope gave a signal with his hands free as if the caller could see it – a general impulse for many people when talking on the phone – while he held the device to his left ear.
Francis seems to explain something and do most of the conversation.
He twice moved his right hand as if he signed something.
The Vatican did not immediately respond to requests for information about why Francis received the call.
After blessing the audience members, the Pope usually crossed into the crowd to welcome many of them with love.
But in other departures of the routine, Francis on Wednesday suddenly changed direction when chatting with another aide when he would go down the stage stairs.
Instead of greeting the faithful, he headed to the closed exit on the stage.
First Ajian, then the Pope, pointed to the participants that they had to wait.
Aide opened the door, and the Pope walked quickly from the stage.
After a few minutes, Francis returned and went down the marble stairs to the audience section to get along with people who wanted to shake hands or take selfies with him ..

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