High Drama Revealed at the MSU Syndicate Meeting – News2IN

High Drama Revealed at the MSU Syndicate Meeting

High Drama Revealed at the MSU Syndicate Meeting
Written by news2in

Vadodara: As expected, the meeting of the University Syndicate M turned into a storm on Monday.
A high drama opened at the University’s head office while hanging out between two conflicting Safron camps reaching new heights.
The day began with three syndicate members – Dr.
Dilip Kataria, Chetan Somani and Hasmukh Waghela -Submit Memorandum for the MSU registrar demanding that the business of syndicate meetings must be recorded, and it must be channeled online such as the parliamentary process and state assembly.
During the meeting there was an argument that was heated between two Safron camp members for alleged recruitment fraud.
The syndik group that enjoys the majority in the body refuses to provide an expert assessment report on the candidate sought by rival factions.
“According to Ordonance 33, the university cannot provide an expert assessment report.
We have provided four of the five sets of documents they have been looking for,” said Jigar Inamdar Syndicate members.
Inamdar and other majority camp members also threatened legal action against their rivals to “tarnish” the image of the university by accusing recruitment fraud.
“We have decided to take legal opinions from three senior advice of the Gujarat High Court and according to their advice, we will begin actions against all those who have made allegations unfounded,” said Inamdar, adding that syndicate members must now take the RTI route if they are need other documents.
Accusing Inamdar and other members of the majority camp suppressed their voices, Waghela said that they were ready to face legal action.
“We have searched for a complete set of documents.
But we only provided only a computerized summary sheet and form of candidate application.
We have not provided candidate bio-data,” Waghela said.
“If they are very confident that there is no irregularity in recruitment, why they are not transparent,” he replied.
The action will be taken if there is an error: C R Paatil Vadodara: The recruitment line at the University of M has reached its peak of the Gujarat government and BJP state.
When asked about the accusations of recruitment fraud made by three Syndicate members and BJP Savli MLA Ketan Inamdar, Head of BJP Country C R Paatil said that there must be complete transparency in the process.
“If there is an error, we will take action against anyone who is responsible,” Paatil said to media people on the sidelines of the function organized by the Patidara community in Vadodara.
The source said that in the afternoon, Paatil said three syndicate members and other members of Samiti’s dannas that had accused recruitment fraud to discuss this issue.
Previously, on that day, the Sindis majority group also welcomed Paatil’s statement.
“We all agree with his statement.
We have the same opinion that the action must be made to anyone who is responsible for errors,” Jigar Inamdar said.

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