Hungarian PM denounced in Bosnia for anti-Muslim rhetoric – News2IN

Hungarian PM denounced in Bosnia for anti-Muslim rhetoric

Hungarian PM denounced in Bosnia for anti-Muslim rhetoric
Written by news2in

Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina: Bosnian officials and religious leaders on Wednesday condemned the advice enthusiastically by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his spokesman that Bosnian integration into the European Union would be challenging because the Muslim population was large.
ORBAN spokesman Zoltan Kovacs has tweeted that “ challenges with Bosnia is how to integrate a country with 2 million Muslims.
“During his long speech on Tuesday in Budapest, the Right-wing populist Orban said Hungary supported the bid of the Bosnia EU, adding that the European Union member Hungary must mobilize a lot of energy to overcome` `exhausted enlargement that has held the European Union.
“I did my best to convince great European leaders that Balkan is getting farther away from.
They are than Hungary, but how we manage the security of a country where 2 million Muslims stay is a major problem for their security too.
” The reaction in Bosnia was sharp, with several parties Bosniak asked the prohibition of the official visit planned from the Orran to Sarajevo and the Head of the Islamic Community, Grand Mufti Husein Kavazovic, called his statement “ xenophobic and racist.
” ‘If such an ideology is the basis where European policy is united, it is needed we return to the time when the European Unity will be built on fascist ideology, the Nazis, violence and the same genocidal which causes the holocaust and other terrible crimes, “he said in a statement.
The Bosniak member of the country’s Tripartite presidency, Sephik Dzaferovic, called the embarrassing and rude and rude and rude.
” ‘This is not a challenge for the EU to integrate 2 million Muslims (Bosnia), because we are indigenous Europeans who always live here and we are Europeans, “he said.
Bosnia, which consists of Bosnias, Serbia and Croatia, While going through a political crisis made of civil war in the 1990s On Tuesday, the Orban also said Hungary would not support European Union sanctions against the Serbian leader Bosnia Milorad Dodik who was threatened by Germany and several separatist members.
“Sarajevo has lost his courage, it attacks everyone – Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, now Hungarian.
More Russia, ” Dodik said on Wednesday, referring to the support he was suspected of receiving from these countries.
Orban was known to KA Rena’s anti-migration policy, claiming Muslim migrants is the biggest threat to European Christian values.
He also supported Serbian quick accession to the EU despite the more autocratic policy of its allies, Serbia President Aleksandar Vucic.
More than 100,000 people were killed and millions of people left homeless during the 1992-95 War in Bosnia when Serbia Bosnia tried to create an ethnically pure area to join them with neighboring Serbia.

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