Hungarian Prime Minister summoned the EU action on the LGBT rights ‘legalization of hooliganism’ – News2IN

Hungarian Prime Minister summoned the EU action on the LGBT rights ‘legalization of hooliganism’

Hungarian Prime Minister summoned the EU action on the LGBT rights 'legalization of hooliganism'
Written by news2in

Budapest: The Prime Minister of Hungary on Friday accused the European Commission “Hooliganism, which was approved” for a violation of the steps by his government that the European Union Executive said was discriminated against by LGBT people.
The actions on Thursday against Hungary are related to new laws that prohibit schools from using materials that are considered to promote homosexuality or gender changes, which have been described by the Order as a matter of child protection.
Stepping the war of words with Brussels, the Orban told the state radio on Friday, “This (EU violation action) was passed by Hooliganism …
the attitude of the European commission was embarrassing.” He said the debate offered Hungary people at a glance into the “European Life”, into what happened in schools in Germany, insisting that Hungary would not let LGBT activists “walk up and down” in schools promoting what he was Call sexual propaganda.
Groups of rights have been fortunate to law, head of the commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen, has been called disgrace.
The acts of violations also target Poland after several municipalities there declare themselves “LGBT ideological free zone”.
This marked the latest in a series of clashes between Brussels and several newer Eastern European members more new during various core problems also included legal rules, migration and press freedom.
Orban, a nationalist who has repeatedly crossed the sword with Brussels since he served in 2010, said the European Union’s authority tried to impose their will on Hungary about how children had to be raised.
The anti-LGBT campaign, whose government has risen over the past year, is likely to display prominently on its political platform ahead of the potentially difficult national election next year.
In the past two weeks, a large blue advertising board has been established a national bearing slogan like, “Have you been disturbed by Brussels?” And “Are you afraid of your children to face sexual propaganda?” Oraban on Friday also estimated another clash of the UE recovery fund, which was detained by Brussels but he finally said Hungary.

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