In the post-festive week, the decrease in Covid Indian cases slowed to 1% – News2IN
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In the post-festive week, the decrease in Covid Indian cases slowed to 1%

In the post-festive week, the decrease in Covid Indian cases slowed to 1%
Written by news2in

New Delhi: India this week reported that almost the same number of cases as in the previous seven days, recorded a decline of only 1%, because infection rose in several states after the celebration.
The country recorded more than 1,08,500 new cases in the week ended Sunday (October 18-24), a drop of only 1,200 for the previous week’s calculation of 1.09.760.
In each of the previous six weeks, India had seen a two-digit fall in the case.
Last week, infection has declined more than 27% while the previous week had seen falling 18%.
Countries that witnessed an increase in infection including Bengal, where the number rose 41% during the previous week, Assam (42% rose) and Himachal Pradesh (25%).
There has been a little uptick in some cases in several southern countries.
Kerala reported a 2.5% increase in a weekly number, with 61,010 new cases this week compared with 59,521 on the previous seven days.
Karnataka saw infection increased by almost 4% from the previous week.
Some other states where daily numbers are very low looking at a slight increase in infection for a week.
In Delhi, there was a 9.2% increase in the case.
Cases rose by almost 60% in Chhattisgarh, 9.4% in Punjab, 8.9% in Jammu & Kashmir and 6.7% in Bihar.
In absolute terms, these countries continue to report the number of low daily cases.
Bengal is clearly in the midst of bursts of infection.
It reported 5,925 new cases for a week, tally seven-day highs in more than three months since July 11-18.
There was a 60% increase in the death toll this week, with 2,419 deaths reported during the period compared to 1,515 in the previous week.
The increase was caused by a large number of old deaths added to the number of victims in Kerala as part of data reconciliation exercises.

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