In the US, the city and police union clashed because the vaccine mandate applies – News2IN
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In the US, the city and police union clashed because the vaccine mandate applies

In the US, the city and police union clashed because the vaccine mandate applies
Written by news2in

Washington: The police department around the US requires officers to vaccinate with Covid ran against the bag of resistance that some fears could leave law enforcement with public safety.
The police union and officers pushed back by filing lawsuits to block the mandate.
In Chicago, the head of the police union asked members to oppose the deadline of Friday the city to report their Covid vaccination status.
Hundreds of officers at San Diego said they would consider stopping instead of obeying vaccination mandates.
The deadlock was playing at many of the police departments that had dealt with the level of murder that jumped and lack of staff was not related to vaccines.
The cities and police leaders now weigh the risk of losing more officers to resign, call or suspension for their rejection to get vaccination.
Chicago Mayor on Friday filed a complaint in court against the local brotherhood leader of the police, accused him of “attracting work terms or strikes” by saying 12,000 city police must ignore orders to report their vaccination status.
On Thursday, Mayor Lori Lightfoot said officers would be placed on unpaid leave if they refused to provide information.
John Catanzara, FOP President in Chicago, called a mandate that requires “truly wrong” inoculation.
There were no national statistics that showed the level of vaccination for America’s first respondents, but individual police and firefighters throughout the country have reported far below the 77% national level for adults who have at least one dose.

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