Indian worries on sectarians, minority religious attacks are reflected in the UNSC statement condemning the strike of Afghan Mosque – News2IN
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Indian worries on sectarians, minority religious attacks are reflected in the UNSC statement condemning the strike of Afghan Mosque

Indian worries on sectarians, minority religious attacks are reflected in the UNSC statement condemning the strike of Afghan Mosque
Written by news2in

The United Nations: the United Nations Security Council of the nations of the nations condemns “atrocious” terror attacks in a mosque in Afghanistan and recent attacks against religious institutions in a ripped war, references that are categories Insisting in a statement issued by the United Nations issued by the body and rejects all efforts to melt it.
The 15-Nation UNSC issued a press statement on Saturday where members “were condemned in the strongest term terrorist attacks and cowards in Kunduz, Afghanistan” on October 8 “Attack, claimed by the Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISUKP), an entity which is affiliated with the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (Isil / Da’esh), resulted in more than 150 victims who were killed and injured.
Attack, which occurred at the Gozar-e-Sayed Mosque, following another recent attack on the institution Religion in Afghanistan, “a press statement said.
The Islamic state suicide bomber struck inside the Shiite Mosque.
The source said that India stands firmly on two aspects which are finally recorded in the press statement.
The statement clearly reflects the sectarian properties of terrorist attacks that are seen not only in Afghanistan but in Pakistan, where Shiite institutions come in terrorist attacks.
The second aspect of India stands firmly and who finds mentioning in a press statement is an attack on other minority religious institutions.
There is an attempt to have this reference removed, changed or diluted but this was rejected by India, which stands firmly that both of the sectarian properties of violence and other targeted minority religious institutions – must be recognized in statements, resources, adding that India’s position is accepted and The statement was then removed.
According to reports, Gurdwara Karte Parwan in Kabul was damaged earlier this month.
The external ministry said that Gurdwara’s destruction in Kabul raises concerns not only for India but for the world, and the international community must continue to insist on meeting the objectives described in the resolution of the UN Security Council adopted under the Indian presidency from a strong security council.
Against this background, India is very clear that both aspects must be cursed firmly.
The Board also underlines the need to hold offenders, organizers, investors and sponsors of this despicable terrorism and bring them to court and urge all countries, in accordance with their obligations based on international law and the resolution of the relevant security council, to actively work on all authority related.
“Security Council members reiterated that terrorism in all forms and manifestations is one of the most serious threats to international peace and security,” said the statement.
Security Council members assert that every action of terrorism is criminal and cannot be justified, regardless of their motivation, anywhere, whenever and by anyone who is committed.
They reaffirm the need for all countries to fight with all means, in accordance with the United Nations Charter and other liabilities under international law, including international human rights law, international refugee law and international humanitarian law, the threat to peace and international security caused by action terrorist.
Members expressed their deepest sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims and hoped for a quick and full recovery to those who were injured.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres was also condemned in the strongest term terrible attack on the mosque, noting that this was the third attack on religious institutions in less than a week.
“Attacks that intentionally target civilians who run the right to freely practice their religion are violations of human rights and fundamental international humanitarian laws.
The perpetrators must be taken to court,” Guterres said, revealed condolences to the grieving family.
The UN assistance mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) said that the United Nations family in Afghanistan was very concerned about the “very high victim” in a mosque attack.
The mission said that the attack was part of a “disturbing” hardness pattern.
This is the third deadly attack this week which seems to target religious institutions.
“The Islamic State (KP) claims responsibility for the incident on Sunday next to the Kabul Mosque.
Wednesday’s attack on the Madrasah in Khost is not claimed,” UNAMA said in a tweet.

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