Iranian smriti brave Congress to drive away Ramesh Kumar from the party over “rape” – News2IN
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Iranian smriti brave Congress to drive away Ramesh Kumar from the party over “rape”

Iranian smriti brave Congress to drive away Ramesh Kumar from the party over "rape"
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Minister of Development of Children and Children of Irani on Friday launched a spicy attack at Karnataka Congress MLA KR Ramesh Kumar for his sexist comment in the ongoing state assembly session and called it “embarrassing”, and dared to drive away party legislators.
In a covert attack at the Secretary General of the Congress and responsible for Uttar Pradesh Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, Irani said, “Congress’s leadership in Uttar Pradesh always said that he was a girl and he could fight, drive the leader if you have courage.” It was very embarrassing that The legislature that takes a promise to protect the honor of women is used by the Congress leader to provide a shameful statement against women, “Irani said in the parliament today.
Irrani further said,” Narrow thinking about a leader of the Congress raised this question about the leadership of the Congress who said at Uttar Pradesh that ‘I’m a girl and I can fight’.
If you have courage then you have to issue this leader your party ” Independent of Mandya in Karnataka, Sumanlata Ambran also crashed into the Congress leader for his sexist comments.
“I thought it was truly despicable as he was talking to in the casual board directly and witnessed by millions of people.
God knows what message is received, “said Ambran to Ani.” This is not the first time he spoke like this.
As a speaker too, he had made a similar statement at home and he had gone with it.
I thought, just by asking him to apologize wouldn’t be enough.
Strict actions must be taken against such violators because when you hold a high position in public, you must be responsible and you must be made to be responsible for your actions and words, “Ambrish said.
Ambarish said Kumar did not deserve to forgive Such statements, and strict actions must be made to it to give an example for others.
“This only reflects a very bad type of mindset from certain people.
And I was also disappointed that even other members in the Assembly laughed at this kind of statement.
The speaker also did not immediately censor it.
I think, we have questions like when representatives who hold a high position like that can make a statement and go with him, “MP.
MP BJP Tejasvi Surya said the statement of the Congress leader was” very sensitive “and” demeaning “.” It does not respect women in all respects.
It also showed the Congress Party culture.
And let me tell you that this is not the first time he speaks something that is so insensitive about rape and women.
Even before, he had made it very.
A similar comment, “said Surya.” This might indicate that something is truly wrong with his mentality.
“The leader of the Senior Congress of Karnataka and former speaker assembly Karnataka KR Ramesh Kumar on Thursday made controversial comments about rape.
Speaking in the Assembly, Kumar said , “There is a saying that when rape cannot be avoided, lying down and enjoying it.
That’s exactly the position where you are.

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