Italian hospital Utilizes CT Scanning to unveil secrets of Egyptian mummy – News2IN

Italian hospital Utilizes CT Scanning to unveil secrets of Egyptian mummy

Italian hospital Utilizes CT Scanning to unveil secrets of Egyptian mummy
Written by news2in

BERGAMO: Ancient Egypt fulfilled modern medical technologies when a mummy experienced a CT scan in a Italian hospital as part of a study endeavor to find its secrets.
The mummy of all Ankhekhonsu, an ancient Egyptian warrior, was moved out of Bergamo’s Civic Archaeological Museum into Milan’s Policlinico hospital, at which specialists will shed light in his life and also the burial customs of nearly 3,000 decades back.
“The mummies are almost a biological tradition, they’re just like a time capsule,” said Sabina Malgora, the manager of the Mummy Project Research.
Malgora said info regarding the mummy’s title stems from the sarcophagus outdated between 900 and 800 BC, in which Ankhekhonsu – that means’the god Khonsu is living’ – is composed five occasions.
Researchers think they could rebuild the life and passing of the Egyptian warrior and know which types of goods were utilized to mummify your system.
“Studying early ailments and wounds is essential for modern clinical research…
we could examine the arteriosclerosis of their past, which is sometimes helpful for contemporary study,” she explained.

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