Jaipur to get another Leopard Safari Park immediately – News2IN
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Jaipur to get another Leopard Safari Park immediately

Jaipur to get another Leopard Safari Park immediately
Written by news2in

Jaipur: City Pink Everything will be the most sought-after destination for Leopard Safaris because the Forestry Department plans to open the galta area, which is home to 17 wild cats, for visitors.
The department has done exercises to develop forest blocks side by side with Jhalana Leopard Reserve and Galta, spread around 36 SQKM, which has more than 60 adult and adult leopards.
Head of Forest Strength (Hoff) DN Pandey said, “Afoot’s plan to open safari in the galta.
However, the date has not been decided.
After management and protection are strengthened in the Jhalana, the leopard population increases.
According to the rewilding principle, it is necessary to develop a dispersal corridor between the source and The sink area.
“Previously, in the galta forest block and Amagarh, there was no route to monitor wild cats.
Wildlife fans and members of the Leopard monitoring committee, Dhiraj Kapoor said, “Galta and Amagarh are important forest areas that have a ravine and Nullah, which is somewhat different from the Jhalana.
Nearly eight leopards from the Jhalana have marked the region.
This corridor protection will play a role Important.
“When the Jhalana exploded in the stitch, the move would also come as a breath.
Forest Jhalana spreads 20sqkm in the southeast of Jaipur.
It accommodates a healthy population of 44 leopards that can be found by tourists from 10-20 feet.
The extension of the Jhalana will be an additional attraction for tourists and new routes will be explored.
An official said, “At present, there are 44 leopards in the park, including 31 adults and 13 children.
Apart from the leopard, forests have various attractions such as 132 species avifauna, 220 flora species, 20 species of reptiles, for some names.
Planning The same can also be done in the galta as -18 budget.
“Conservation efforts have increased the population of leopards.
Now, a side by side is being developed for leopard habitat.
This area does not have a prey base and an effort will be made in this direction.
If tourism starts, the gate will open from the Temple End galta, “said an official.

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