Jaipur: Widow who sell bird feed found dead – News2IN
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Jaipur: Widow who sell bird feed found dead

Jaipur: Widow who sell bird feed found dead
Written by news2in

Jaipur: A 40-year-old widow, who produced his livelihood that sold bird feed near Albert Hall, died in mysterious state because his body was found in an isolated place in the Canota Police Station area on Sunday.
The police believed it was a murder case and said the attackers threw it into an isolated area because the body had many injuries.
According to the police, Uganti Raigar was missing from Bagrana Kachchi Basti where he lived with his children.
“In the morning, some locals saw the body resting on the woman with several injuries.
It seems that the body was thrown out in the area after killing her,” Kanota Sho Dhirendra Singh said.
His family members have filed a complaint lost on Saturday.
“In the morning when some people go take a walk, they see the body and tell the police control room,” he added.
A team of senior police officers with FORENSIC SCIENCE Laburatory (FSL) officials rushed to the place.
“This is a clear murder case where the woman was killed somewhere and her body was thrown into this area.
We have got some instructions and will soon finish mystery,” said a senior police officer.
When her husband had died for a long time, he used to get his livelihood by selling grains outside the Alberts hall for people who came to feed pigeons and other birds.

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