Jharkhand: Criminal Cases Against Union Minister Republicedly – News2IN
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Jharkhand: Criminal Cases Against Union Minister Republicedly

Jharkhand: Criminal Cases Against Union Minister Republicedly
Written by news2in

Ranchi: The Jharkhand High Court on Tuesday canceled the entire criminal process that began with Agriculture Minister Union Narendra Singh Tomar.
The Minister faces a criminal case to make a statement on a political rally in Dhanbad during the 2016 Sabha’s selection.
During the rally, Tomar campaigned for BJP candidates in Dhanbad and said while Narendra Modi was a hair in the mustache, Rahul Gandhi was a hair on the tail.
Tomar’s statement created a major Furore, which leads to a criminal case submitted in the Dhanbad Civil Court by One Muhammad Kalam Azad, a member of Congress.
Azad, in his request, had sought action against Tomar, accusing his statement made with the intention of Malafide to defame Rahul Gandhi.
Judge Judicial Court Dhanbad has recorded Azad petitions.
The judge had issued a summons to Tomar and then also issued an arrest warrant against him.
Tomar then knocked on the doors of the High Court who previously ordered no coercion steps taken against him.
After hearing this problem throughout and the parties involved in this case, the High Court canceled the criminal process and sustained Tomar from all charges.
In other developments, the Minister of Finance of Rameshwar Oraon was looking for the time from the High Court to submit his response in the election petition submitted by Sukhdev Bhagat Bhagat had challenged Oraon’s nomination in the Assembly and filed an election petition that accused his nomination without directing the details of the cases lodged against it and with Thus misleading the election commission.
Bhagat said the case under domestic violence was waiting from Oraon who was not expressed by the Minister.

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