Jharkhand: State police to help colleagues who suffer from depression – News2IN
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Jharkhand: State police to help colleagues who suffer from depression

Jharkhand: State police to help colleagues who suffer from depression
Written by news2in

Ranchi: Police Headquarters Jharkhand has directed field officers to gather information about officers and Jawan who suffer from depression so that preventive measures can be taken.
The General Inspector (Operation) of Amol Homkar has sent a letter to all senior police supervisors and Jharkhand armed police commanders and Indian reserve battalions in this case recently.
He said that in some cases police officers and Jawan ended in their lives because of family problems and other reasons have occurred.
He said SSP, SPS and Commander must be aware of every personnel suffering from depression or family problems and immediately sent their names to the police headquarters.
Talking about this problem, IG said, “Police work is difficult and can cause mental pressure.
We will overcome modalities to help personnel facing pressure for various reasons.” Sport and yoga activities have been carried out at the unit level to reduce stress between the police.
Last week, Bokaro District Police Police, Sushil Dubey seemed to commit suicide by shooting from his rifle.
However, the Jharkhand Police Association (JPMA) claims that Dubey was killed in a mistake.
The Tirkey Fine Police Sub-Inspector was found depends on his official residence in Sahenganji in May 3.
However, investigated by the CBI after family members allegedly murder.
A JAP-7 Police of Gulshan Yadav died by suicide on October 1 1.
President JPMA, said Rakesh Kumar Pandey, “The police worked with rare resources.
The difficulty to go and lack of communication with family including the main problems they face.”

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