Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin: no love is missing – News2IN
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Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin: no love is missing

Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin: no love is missing
Written by news2in

Paris: US President Joe Biden and his Russian colleague Vladimir Putin held their latest phone call on Thursday which aims to interpret the tension surrounding the Ukrainian conflict, when they search for dialogue after almost a year.
A timeline: Shortly after serving earlier this year, Biden gave a hard speech to throw out his predecessor Donald Trump for Moscow and Putin, for whom Trump voiced admiration.
“I explained to President Putin that the United States days rolled around in facing Russian aggressive acts, disrupting our election, cyber attacks and poisoning of citizens ended,” Biden said in February.
The Kremlin slams what he calls “very aggressive and non-constructive rhetoric”.
In an interview in March, Biden said Putin would “pay the price” for allegedly tried to undermine his nomination in the US 2020 election.
Asked if he thought Putin was a “killer”, Biden replied, “Yes.
Comments triggered the biggest crisis between Russia and the US in the years, with Moscow considering the ambassador and warned that the bonds were on the verge of “collapsing”.
Putin also made fun of Biden, said, “Need one to get to know one.” The offer to cool the tension came in April when Biden, after announcing sanctions against Russia, said “Now is the time to approach”.
During a telephone call, Biden said he was “clearly with President Putin that we could go further” but added that Washington “did not want to start the escalation and conflict cycle with Russia”.
He proposed the Summit to discuss the Russian-crunching saber in Ukraine, the treatment of Putin opponents who were imprisoned by Alexei Navalny, and other flame points.
Before their summit in Geneva on June 16, Biden did not love him, said the US would encourage the Kremlin to the record of human rights.
On the night of the Summit, Biden called Putin “Tough” and “decent enemy”.
Surprisingly, the two men did not hold a joint press conference after three and a half hours of conversation.
However, they agreed to restore the ambassador to the capital of each other.
Putin said he felt “no hostility” while Biden agreed that talk was “constructive”.
Russian-based hatch group blamed for massive ransomware attacks at the end of June about around 1,500 businesses.
It was taken offline days after Biden called Putin to act.
Russia sharply was not invited to the top of the 30-nation anti-cyber crime in Washington in October.
Biden lay in Putin because he did not attend the COP26 climate conference at Glasgow in October.
“The suburb is burned – literally …
he has a serious and serious climate problem, and he is the willingness to do anything,” said Biden.
Tensions increased further at the end of November because Ukraine claimed Russia made it easier for 100,000 soldiers on its borders.
Putin denied Russia planned to attack Ukraine, but said he wanted the US to promise that Ukraine would never join NATO.
In the two-hour virtual summit on December 7, Biden warned Putin “economic and other actions in matters of military escalation” in Ukraine.
Putin needs a guarantee of freezing on NATO’s expansion.
On December 17, Russia launched a proposal to accommodate the US and NATO in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, called for urgent negotiations with Washington.
The US said it was ready to talk to consultation with the EU.
On December 21, Putin warned that Russia was ready to take “military technical steps” in response to “unfriendly” western actions over the conflict of Ukraine.
On the 28th, US condemned the closure of the international group warning group by the Russian Supreme Court.
On Thursday Biden and Putin would speak by telephone, set the tone for US-Russian security talks on January 10, 2022.
Biden will offer Russian colleagues in the future diplomatic track in the Ukrainian crisis, a US official said, while Putin said he ” Convincing “that” effective dialogue “between Moscow and Washington is possible.

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