Karelibaug Pool, Complex Gym Collect Dust – News2IN

Karelibaug Pool, Complex Gym Collect Dust

Karelibaug Pool, Complex Gym Collect Dust
Written by news2in

Vadodara: Some facilities for fitness developed by Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) in the Karelibaug pool complex lying in negligence.
They need improvement without even being included in the right use.
This facility is dedicated to the public in 2016.
The leader of the Opposition Congress Party in VMC, Ami Ravat visited the complex on Thursday.
“Equipment in the gym including 10 treadmills is almost no use.
Equipment needs to be overhauled.
The expensive treadmill warranty period is over,” Ravat said.
Ravat said that the complex had swimming coaching staff, managers and sweepers.
“There is no appointment of a gym coach and experts for other activities planned there,” he said.
Ravat said that the pool was also negligent.
“It was treated now.
Doors, grills, and other items in slums,” he said.

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