Karnataka Mulls Mangaluru-Goa Waterway Inter-State – News2IN

Karnataka Mulls Mangaluru-Goa Waterway Inter-State

Written by news2in

Mangaluru: With all 11 national channels inland (NWS) identified by the Indian Inland (IWA) Otoryway Waterways not take off, the Karnataka Government has begun the development of ambitious waterways between Mangaluru and Panaji (Goa) to promote tourism and for transportation Passengers and affordable items.
Although the technology feasibility study has begun for 11 nW in Karnataka, the state government has started preparations for the detailed eligibility report (DFR) for the development of waterways between states between Mangaluru and Panaji.
Three companies have expressed interest in the request of proposals from the Karnataka Government, floating by the port & department of inland water transportation, directorate of port and land transportation.
Kalinath Advisors Pvt Ltd has been selected as a consultant for the project.
The cost is pegged at Rs 30.50 Lakh and has been sent for administrative approval.
DFR / DPR is for the implementation of ROLL ON & ROLL OFF (RO-RO) and passenger ferry services.
There are seven critical river systems in Karnataka with many tributaries, but not much progress has been seen in the development of inland waterways for transportation, tourism or cargo movements.
There are 111 inland who are officially told by NWS in India identified for land water transportation purposes according to the National Airways Law, 2016.
From them, 106 was created in 2016.
For 106 NWS newly stated, the techno-economic techno-economic feasibility study has begun .
Of the 11 of Karnataka, two are inter-countries.
They Iwa identify NWS is: Bhima River, 139 km between Telangana -karnataka; Tungabhadra River, 230 km between Telagana countries, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh; Ghataprabha River, 112km, Kabini River, 23km; River times, 54km; Malaprabha River, 94km; PanchagaValli River, 23km; River Sharavathi, 29km, Uudyavara River, 16km Nethravathi River, River 78KM and Gurupura, 10 km.
Of the last four are along the coast and the last two are in the Dakshina district of Kannada.
Last year, the Chamber of Commerce and Canara Industry (KCCI) has appealed to the Port Director to start steps for the development of inland waterways from Bantwal to the Markada Bridge in Dakshina Kannada – National Waterway 74 and National Waterway 43 as identified by IWA.
The rooms have recorded inland water connections from the Nethravathi River from the theme, connecting the Maravoor Bridge through the old port and Mangaluru International Airport will catalyze economic development along the river bank.

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