Kashmir Motion Condemning India fails, will not be debated at the workforce conference – News2IN
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Kashmir Motion Condemning India fails, will not be debated at the workforce conference

Written by news2in

LONDON: The efforts of the Labor Party members in the MP election of the Pakistani Labor Party Naz Shah, called the Modi Prime Minister a “artisan artisan” last week, to get the Movement of the Kashmir debated and vote at the Labor’s annual conference spectacularly failed.
The Kashmir Movement was submitted by Bradford West CLP (Labor Constituency) who collected only 20,413 votes from CLP members in priority ballet carried out on Saturdays and no noise from affiliate members.
Mosi on mental health, social care, and new green agreements get the most votes, with social care get a little more than one million votes in voting.
Neeraj Patil, Hindu Chair for Labor, said: “The British Hindu community gladly noted that the Labor Party under the new leadership of Kier Starmer adopted a bipartisan approach to Kashmir bilateral problems.
This is a welcome step to forge a better relationship between the Labor Party and the UK Hindu community.
The movement was very defeated and got one of the lowest votes.
“The movement that was defeated had asked to condemn the actions of the Indian government in Kashmir and urged Labor Parliament and Labor Leaders to commit to ending human rights violations in the region and” Mediation between India, Pakistan and Kashmir people “to look for themselves – determination for Kashmir people.
It is one of 50 movements submitted to conferences by CLPS, trade unions and other agencies.
The Labor Party conference at Brighton began this weekend.
This movement was called a conference to be completed to lobby members of the British parliament, the British Parliament and the European Union and the United Nations to “ensure the recognition of the humanitarian crisis and rights violations in Kashmir” as well as “the fulfillment of the Rights of the Kashmir to determine their own fate in accordance with UN resolution” and for assistance organizations Humanity and international observers to be allowed to enter Jammu and Kashmir.
It condemns the revocation of Article 370 and 35A government and 35A of the constitution and “the imposition of ongoing restrictions”.
The defeated movement shows that while the Indian government has “inhibit journalism”, continues to be elected Kashmir politician under detention, and is not permitted against Indian politics, including members of the Indian parliament, to visit Kashmir, he has enabled a visit to Kashmir by European politicians who represent the party far the right “.
At the September 2019 conference, the emergency movement in Kashmir said that the Kashmir community must be given the right to determine its own fate in accordance with the UN resolution and calling for international observers to enter the region in a round voice passed, causing the main routs between the Labor Party and India , the Indian High Commission in London to cancel the annual reception with the Labor friends of India and more than 70 organizations collectively UK wrote to the Labor leader, Jeremy Corbyn, warned that the movement can destroy the British diplomatic relations.

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