Khan sent Judicial custody for hurting religious sentiments – News2IN
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Khan sent Judicial custody for hurting religious sentiments

Written by news2in

MySuru: Second additional civilian judge and JMFC court on Saturday sent Ayub Khan from the new Indian Congress party in a 14-day trial custody for allegedly insulting Lord Gomatsshwara, said Udayagiri police.
Khan recently issued a statement insulting to God Gomatshwara when talking about the hijab controversy.
Members of the Viorated Community in all Karnataka have extensively criticized their underestimated comments and members of various Jain organizations in Hassan, Mandya, Mysore and other places have demanded his arrest.
The SRI members drawn Jain Jamaj here has submitted the accuser of police complaints.
Khan was not polite talking about Bhagwan Bahubali, and thus hurt the religious sentiment of community members.
In complaints, President S3J Kumar said Khan’s statement was provocative and intended to distribute peace in the community.
Following complaints, Udayagiri police recorded Khan under the 295-A IPC (intentional and dangerous actions intended to facilitate religious feelings from each class by insulting religion or beliefs of rasy) and then arrested him.
Khan was on Saturday which was produced in front of the court, which returned it in court detention until February 25.
The legal provisions attract a three-year sentence.

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