KMC Attention for the Slot ‘Sell Sell’ Unit Vax – News2IN
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KMC Attention for the Slot ‘Sell Sell’ Unit Vax

Kolkata: Acting on complaints about several citizenship staff in a collection of Covid Vaccination Kolkata Municipal Corporation (CVC) which took cash from residents to improve the slot, the Civic’s body health department has issued a decisive action of a circular warning if something was found detached in such exercises.
Circular from the Head of City Health Officer (CMHO) handled Deputy Deputy CMHOS has called for an increase in Vigil in CVC by medical officers who manage the centers.
“A staff attached to any CVC should not be involved in all types of financial transactions in the vaccination process.
If there are complaints, it will be deemed seriously and the steps will be taken against the defendant,” CMHO has told KMC Senior Health Department officials.
The warning, civilian civil servants said, needed from the Civic Brass to ensure a smooth function of the CVC at the time of the vaccine in a short supply and many people were disappointed from the clinic.
“Taking advantage of the lack of acute vaccines and residents’ despair, some employees attached to vaccination centers may be tempted to sell slots to people who are desperate to get Jab.
We don’t want this to happen.
Therefore, the warning,” said A KMC health department official.
Registration in place in the KMC vaccination clinic and in a hurry to get Jab before the third wave has caused this opportunity to several citizenship staff to get fast money.
“We need to isolate this staff who are very few in number but can destroy the moral of hundreds of dedicated employees working at CVCs,” said a senior official at the KMC health department.
Circular has also requested senior health officials to ensure that banners and posters are clearly displayed at the entrance and within vaccination centers, which states that Jab is fed free.
“As part of our efforts to streamline the vaccination process, we will make senior officers responsible for all types of differences that might occur in our CVC.
We are committed to offering the hassle free vaccination in our CVC,” said a KMC official.

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