Large fire damaging the wooden depot near the harni pool – News2IN

Large fire damaging the wooden depot near the harni pool

Large fire damaging the wooden depot near the harni pool
Written by news2in

Vadodara: a large fire broke in two wooden depots near Harni Pong on Monday late at night.
However, there were no victims reported because of the incident.
Fire officials said that the fire broke out in one of the many depots located in a narrow lane and spread further to the adjacent godown.
The fire department of all firefighting stations along with 20 vehicles was pressed into the service to extinguish the fire.
The people who lived in the area said that they saw smoke before the depot was filled.
They suspect that the smoke is definitely because of firefighters.
“Prima facie seems to be a burning firecrackers may have fallen in the depot that triggered fire and swallowed two warehouses,” said an API official.
The fire also put out two to three mounds side by side with the warehouse.
“The warehouse warehouse is located in a narrow lane and there are many residential buildings as well as the battle of fire is difficult,” the official said.
Along with the battle of the fire through a narrow lane, strong winds also cause problems.
About 15 houses were evacuated by firefighters as precautions.
It took more than six hours to extinguish the fire.
But until Tuesday morning fire fighters are stored on stand-bys on the site when the debris is scorched.
“It’s even hard to go back to the fire station because of recharging, so we draw water from the harnni pool using a pump,” said a firefighter.

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