Logging Tree: Forest Officer Build After Former RFO Strike – News2IN
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Logging Tree: Forest Officer Build After Former RFO Strike

Logging Tree: Forest Officer Build After Former RFO Strike
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Even as a hunger strike by the retirees of the Range Forest Officer (RFO) KD Shriwas and Deputy Sarpanch Pahadsinghi Uttam Khule entered the third day, there was no action against officials and contractors involved in the forbidden logging from 59 land reserve forests in the Alegaon Range in the Akola division.
Shirwas, who worked for 14 years in Alegaon ranged before his retirement, has alleged that 59 trees have been cut down in forest areas, which side by side with the farm by Prakash Dakhore, which has 1.4 acres, and the relatives of Laxmi Dakhore have land 3.36 acre.
There are 8 teak trees on both agriculture.
However, on March 15, 2021, Dakhore was looking for permission to fall 72 teak trees claiming trees on both agriculture.
The forest officials concerned gave permission to cut these trees without visiting the place.
Felling trees began the next day and 67 trees cut down.
Of these, 59 trees measured 150 cm were cut down on forest land and only 8 trees were on the ground of farmers.
Five trees still stand on forest land.
The request was carried out by the question officer & ACF HP Padgavankar in August this year but the report was unacceptable by senior forest officials or agricultural owners.
Shriwas has pursued this problem for the past eight months by sending letters and reminders to the Deputy Conservator Arjuna KR for actions in this case.
However, ahead of the launch strike on December 22, Deputy Conservator in action, and on December 20, wrote to the income department to take training to limit the boundaries of forest and private land.
Arjuna asked RFO retirees to pull a hunger strike to the Taluka Land Record (TLR) official submitting the report.
“If it is found that illegal logging trees have been carried out on forest land, the action will be taken against all, including forest officials,” he said.
Shriwas said this was a classic case of fence eating agriculture.
“Every effort was made by the Deputy Conservator to save forest officials who issued a tree logging permit without visiting the place.
If my guess is not true, why the hammer marks the wood cut to be erased,” he asked.
Sheikh Munna Green Activist Sheikh said, “If the investigation conducted by forest officers is not acceptable, it is surprising that the Ministry of Forestry does not believe the officers and listen to the private sector to whom this report is not acceptable.
Move to limit the limits that have just become washers eye.

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