Maharashtra: College plans to reopen the phase – News2IN

Maharashtra: College plans to reopen the phase

Maharashtra: College plans to reopen the phase
Written by news2in

Pune: Minister of Higher Education State and Technical Uday Samant recently announced that universities in the state will be reopened from 1 February and students who are fully vaccinated can attend offline classes.
While most of the city colleges plan to reopen gradually begins with practical batches for students last year, they are still waiting for orders from local authorities before reaching students.
Savita flat, Principal Sir Parashurambhau College, said there would be no significant difference in the first week when the college was conducting an exam online today.
“Because the exam is being conducted online, we don’t expect to get started immediately.
We have time to reopen physically because we are also waiting for the regional government’s orders on the same thing.
At least 60% or above students are vaccinated double.
Because the hostel is closed, many Students from outside Pune can not come for offline classes.
Therefore, classes will continue to be taken in hybrid mode.
Even if there is a notification to start a hostel, it will take at least one more week to clean the hostel, repair vendors to run chaos and settings Others, “said flat.
P B Buchade, Abasaheb Principal Garware College, said that he would start with a practical session for all students as a priority when the college was reopened.
“Most theories end when the class is done online.
What’s left is practice.
Therefore, it will be done for all classes.
Because small practical batches, they can be done without having trouble and follow all Covid-19 safety protocols.
However, even this is necessary Done in hybrid mode because the hostel is still closed and most students come from outside Pune, “Buchade said, adding that 90% of his students were vaccinated.

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