Malta’s legislator became the 3rd European Union Parliament President – News2IN

Malta’s legislator became the 3rd European Union Parliament President

Brussels: Roberta Metsola, a Christian Democrat from Malta, was elected as the European Union parliamentary president on Tuesday, placing women in three of the four biggest jobs in Block 27 countries.
Metsola replaced Italia’s socialist David Sassoli, who died last week.
He was only the third woman chosen to the post.
His birthday was Tuesday, and at the age of 43, he was the youngest president of the European Parliament.
Metsola was the largest group of parliament group, and he received 458 of 616 votes tossed Tuesday.
He has acted the President since the death of Sassoli in January.
“I know that having the first president of this house since 1999 is important both inside and outside these rooms, but must go further,” Metsola said to the plenary.
“Our institutions are committed to having more diversity, gender equality, guaranteeing women’s rights, all our rights must be reaffirmed.” UE Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen could not attend a parliamentary session since he was in Covid-19 quarantine.
Another woman, Christine Lagarde, runs a strong European Central Bank, which has swayed against the EU economy.
The European Council, representing the government of 27 member countries, was led by a man, Charles Michel, who as President of the Board hosted the top of the block leaders.
The presidential election for the second half of the legislature had long been planned, but became more painful after Sassoli’s death, who was sick for several months and decided not to look for 2 1/2 years in the past year.
Metsola will lead the UE institution which has become stronger for years and plays a role in mapping the road block 27 countries on problems such as digital economics, climate change and Brexit.
Known as a bridge builder committed between parties, Metsola said he would hold on to the work style of Sassoli.
“David struggles to bring people on the same table.
It is a commitment to hold constructive forces in Europe together that I will wake up,” he said.
He called the political giant after European wars such as the German Christian Helmut Christian Kohl and French Socialist Francois Mitterrand to overcome the party division and provide guidance.
“My appeal is to rediscover Kohl and Mitterrand goals and leave past endrenchment as we see to the future,” he said.
And meditating on the last female president of the European Parliament, France Nicole Fontaine, who led from 1999 to 2002, Metsola swore that “it won’t be two more decades until the next woman stands here”.
The European Parliament represents 450 million UE residents and refers to him as “the heart of European democracy”.
Parliament has long been an EU institution that is lower than the European Executive and European Council commissions.
Over the years, Parliament, who sit in Strasbourg, France, and Brussels are seen as stores talking to money where politicians who have served their national purposes are often sent.
However, as the power of decision making, the legislature has become a stronger player in the European scene.
Metsola wants to continue the trend.
“We need to strengthen it.
We cannot be afraid of reform,” he said.
“The next section of the mandate will see the window of the opportunity to make our parliament more modern, more effective and more efficient.
We must take that opportunity.” Metsola was the first politician from Malta, a Mediterranean Islands in the Central Mediterranean with a population of more than half a million, to hold a high position in the EU.
He has become a blaid defender Daphne Caruana Galizia, Malta investigation journalist who was killed in Malta in the 2017 car bombing.
As a member of the European Union Parliament, Metsola has become a leader of migration issues.
He was very progressive on women’s rights and LGBT problems, but the mother of four boys had taken a conservative attitude about abortion, reflecting the national national politics.
He said on Tuesday that he would defend the overall pro-abortion rights position of the legislature.
“I am a woman from a small island in the middle of the southern sea of ​​Europe.
I know what it means to be an underdog.
I know what it means to pigeonholed,” Metsola said.
“I know what this means for every girl watching today.
I know what everyone is brave and whoever dares to dream.”

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