Man ended life after his dupe friend – News2IN

Man ended life after his dupe friend

Written by news2in

Rajkot: A man suicide in Rajkot after his friend cheated him from Rs 2.8 lakh he had taken to buy trucks nine years ago.
Ratilal Rathod (62) Nana Mauva resident in Rajkot consumed poisons and also left suicide notes on Monday.
He died during hospital treatment at night.
Police Malaiviya Nagar ordered Pravin Vaghela and Bhikha Bharvad for a reduction of suicide and cheating.
According to case details, Rathod and Vaghela do Masonry’s work together.
The two of them decided to buy trucks in a partnership to do business and Rathod gave him Rs 2.8.
However, Vaghela did not buy a truck or returned the money to Rathod and when he asked him, Vaghela refused.
Bharvad also borrowed Rs 40,000 from Rathod but failed to return money.
Reeling based on the financial crisis, Rathod finally decided to take his own life.

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