Man loses Rs 24L to ‘FB Friend’ – News2IN

Man loses Rs 24L to ‘FB Friend’

Written by news2in

Mangaluru: A man has lost Rs 24.9 lakh after receiving friendship requests on Facebook, and the latter has reportedly promised to make it a business partner.
In his complaint, Gopalkroshna Bhat said he received a request for friendship on Facebook from Natalie Jeran on March 25 this year.
After receiving a request, Bhat exchanged messages on the social media platform with the Jeran, and also shared the details of the Gmail account.
Immediately, he began receiving a letter from two people – Jeran and Mark David – who convinced Bhat to make it a business partner.
Bhat claimed that he was deceived by Rs 24.9 lakh after they convinced him to transfer money to their account by recording.
When they refused to return money, Bhat filed a complaint at the Rural Putture Police Station.
The case has been ordered under 417, 419 and 420 IPC.

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