MI5 Chinese name ‘agent’ related to MP workers who are given Padma Shri by India – News2IN

MI5 Chinese name ‘agent’ related to MP workers who are given Padma Shri by India

MI5 Chinese name 'agent' related to MP workers who are given Padma Shri by India
Written by news2in

London: MP Labor Party Barry Gardiner, who was awarded Padma Shri in January 2020, has been named by MI5 as a MP member who has received funds from the alleged spy of China who tried to overthrow the democratic process in the Democratic Parliament in the UK.
Christine Ching Kui Lee has been a long-timeholder of the Gardiner office through his law firm Christine Lee & Co., who owns an office in London and Birmingham and who also acts as the main legal counsel for the Chinese Embassy in London.
Gardiner also hired Lee’s son, Daniel Wilkes, at his Westminster office, but Wilkes resigned on Thursday.
Gardiner represents Brent North, an area with a large diaspora of India, and is very popular among Indian Diaspora in England.
In January 2020, he was awarded Padma Shri.
MI5, British security services, issued a bomb commemoration to lawmakers on Thursday said that Christine Christine Ching Kui Lee “was consciously involved in political interference activities on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party Association Department.
Lee has acted secretly in coordination with UFWD and assessed involved in political interference activities in the UK “.
MI5 warned that UFWD tried to secretly disrupt British politics through “establishing a relationship with an established parliament and aspiring throughout the political spectrum” to ensure that the British political landscape “benefits the CCP agenda”.
Mail said that Lee had been involved in “facilitation of financial donations” to political parties, lawmakers and prospective members of parliament and individuals who were looking for political offices in the UK.
The news has sent Shockwave throughout the Indian community in England.
No evidence of Gardiner knows he is a spy.
Gardiner said in a statement: “I have been related to our security services for several years about Christine Lee and they always know, and have been fully made by me, from his engagement with my office and the contribution he made to fund.
Researchers in my office In the past.
I have been convinced by security services while they have definitively identified inappropriate funds to be distributed through Christine Lee, this is not related to all funds received by my office.
Christine Lee’s son voluntarily in my office for many years.
Then and then employed by me as a diary manager.
He resigned from my work before today.
“The Harendra Jodha community leader said:” This is a member of parliament.
Their staff must be examined correctly because this is a national security problem.
Barry Gardiner now Must come out and state all facts.
Very Meng worried that he was awarded Padma Shri.
We need to know if he is involved with policy making with respect to India.
“Another source in the Indian community who knew Gardiner said:” When he was Secretary Shadow State for international trade, he often traveled to China.
That might be where he took this contact.
He hadn’t even gone to India to accept Padma Shri despite receiving a letter asking him to accept it.
The Indian government gave him Padma Shri for his work with the Indian community and Gujarati Community.
So far he has refused to go to Delhi to accept it covid.
The Indian government will not know about this.
If this is really true, that he has a Chinese agent working for him, this will have a detrimental impact on his relationship with the Indian community.
There is a tense border situation in India with China.
If the UK MP with the constituency of the majority of India is close to the Chinese government, which is completely not accepted.
“At the House of Commons on Thursday, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, a former leader of the conservative party, said he had received an email from the speaker who told him that” the Chinese government agent has been active here in parliament – working with parliamentarians – clear to overthrow the process at here, ” Growing individuals to promote the CCP agenda.
Actors of UFWSD have been known to be involved in political interference activities, trying to cheat, corrupt or force politicians and individuals who have a high profile to make statements or take action to support the CCP and silence of CCP sounds.

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