Minn City Offers Prayers to Sri Narayana Teacher – News2IN

Minn City Offers Prayers to Sri Narayana Teacher

Written by news2in

Mangaluru: Even when the BJP government was under political attacks for the rejection of Table Table Teachers Sri Narayana proposed by the Kerala Government for the Republican Day, the Social Welfare Karnataka and Class Welfare Class of the City Minister Shrinivas Poojari visited the Kudroli Sri Gokarnanatha temple and prayers for Saints and social reformers on Saturday.
“Sri Narayana Teacher who taught the concept of social justice to the world.
He asked people to empower themselves through education.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also visited Shivagiri Mutt in Kerala, and looked for Blessing Sri Narayana Teacher in 2015.
People from various parts of society , from Indian Prime Minister to ordinary laymen, honoring Sri Narayana Teacher, “said Minister of Media after offering a prayer in the temple, and added that he would also meet Patron Head B Janardhana Poojari Kudroli Temple B Janardhana Poojari.
The Minister blamed the communist government in Kerala for leveling of charges against the Central Government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in connection with rejecting Tablo.
“Because the central government has not provided the right information to Kerala, they propose a float to Sri Narayana Teacher.
Both the Prime Minister and the Central Government and BJP are related to Tablo Rejection.
It is common that some luxury are rejected, and some are chosen every year.
Unfortunately, the Government of Kerala Has been to collecting this problem and began to blame the prime minister.
Meanwhile, Congress has also taken problems to blame BJP and the Prime Minister, “Poojari said.
State President BJP Nalin Kumar Kateel, Energy Minister V Sunil Kumar and I have clarified that the state government, the central government and BJP highly respected Sri Narayana Teacher.
We have asked all political leaders not to continue the game blame for political mileage.
The central government, the state government and BJP will be part of all programs dedicated to Sri Narayana Teacher, he said.
The minister said that the head of the Minister who later Sidaramaiiah refused to visit Kudroli Temple in 2016, where the bride was sanctified by Sri Narayana Teacher in 1912.
Former Minister of Union B Janardhana Poojari has asked people to offer special prayers to mark prayers Their protest against the problem of Tablo refusal on January 26.

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