Misdone in WFH caused back problems among non-IT professionals – News2IN
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Misdone in WFH caused back problems among non-IT professionals

Misdone in WFH caused back problems among non-IT professionals
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Usually, backpain events look more among IT professionals who spend hours in a sitting posture.
From the end, orthopedic doctors in the city have seen a surge in backpain among those who have various sectors that switch to work from home after locking back pain and neck.
Such cases have never had a history before, they said.
“IT professionals are more susceptible to back problems.
But the work of the house has increased the incidence of back pain not only among the previous groups but also people background non-IT who now work from home.
The main reason is that employees do not have an ergonomic sitting The right one.
Because of the relaxed behavior, many sitting on the bed.
Also, because they don’t have to travel, working hours have increased to 10 hours of shift.
I have seen an increase in backpain cases because of work from home, “he said.
“Because sports and sports centers are also closed for several days, people cannot follow their routine fitness schedules and end up with back and neck pain,” he said.
Malewar added that holes also tended to be blamed for the fate of people.
“People traveling with their own vehicles are at the end of the wavy trip In early degeneration disk, joints, and bones.
The elderly people traveling on a bad road can get spinal fractures because they often suffer from osteoporosis, “he said.
“Watching TV or using a telephone lying to the back of the back.
The use of more than one pillow in this position is also dangerous,” he said the pain was temporary and relieved with rest and anti-inflammatory drugs for several days.
However, if the pain is persistent, it is not relieved by drugs, the pain of shooting under the feet, the pain is associated with numbness on your feet must immediately contact the specialist.

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