‘Monument’ Merkel got a festive applause in the last EU Summit – News2IN

‘Monument’ Merkel got a festive applause in the last EU Summit

'Monument' Merkel got a festive applause in the last EU Summit
Written by news2in

Brussels: European leaders gave German Chancellor Angela Merkel a protruding applause on Friday on the last EU summit after a 16-year government that helped guide blocks and dropped.
Merkel has attended the surprising 107 EU Summit who saw the largest bends in European history recently, including the euro zone debt crisis, Syrian refugee inflows, Brexit and the creation of the Pandemic Pandemic recovery fund.
“You are a monument,” host the Summit, Charles Michel’s European Council head, said that in honor of the closed door to him, according to an official in the room.
The EU summit “Without Angela like Rome without Vatican or Paris without the Eiffel Tower”, said Michel.
He handed Merkel a Cube Perspex with a world ball described as a “artistic impression” of the Europa building where the UE peak hosted.
Merkel, with a distinctive fanfare, thanks reporters for their long nights at the top, even though he offered a strong word about caution to the challenges that still faced the European Union, and his replacement of Germany.
“I left the European Union, as far as my responsibility about the federal chancellor, at the point of time where there was a reason for concern,” he said.
“We have overcome many crises but we have a series of problems that have not been resolved,” he said, quoting migration disputes, economic blocks, and supremacy of law in EU countries.
– ‘Engine compromise’ – Prime Minister Luxembourg Xavier Bettel called Merkel “engine compromise” which “usually finds something to unite us” through the negotiations of intra-union marathons.
“Europe will miss him,” he said.
Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg called him “No doubt Europe” and “peaceful paradise, if you like, in the European Union”.
His departure, he said, “will leave a hole”.
The last summit, a two-day affair in Brussels, leaned back once more on the Skills of his software to alleviate the burning line with Poland for his rejection of the UE legal order – something that was believed by the next Europeans was the next existential threat to Europeans.
On the first day on Thursday, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki defended the October 7 verdict by the Cultitality Court which said the UE laws only apply in certain fields that were limited and Polish law applies to all the others.
Merkel, supported by French President Emmanuel Macron, spent his political capital which was enough to encourage dialogue with Poland, warned against the “cascade” of the legal battle if the problem was a challenge before the European Court.
The message was received by the European Commission and countries such as the Netherlands and Belgium who wanted more muscular Polish buildup, which they accused the norms of democracy by eliminating judicial independence in the National Court.
– ‘principle of self-interest’ – West West Feuding has become a recurring theme in Merkel’s long work.
His mediation role reflects the status of Germany as the EU Economic Generator swaying over the many former Soviet-block countries, whose membership of the Union tilted the political balance from Paris and towards Berlin.
It also spoke against the background of the Merkel’s family, from Germany and Poland’s descendants, and its tactics from quietly behind the scenes when the troops conflicting themselves, before stepping up with a compromise solution.
In a surprise video posted on Twitter by the European Union Michel, former US President Barack Obama praised Merkel as one of the rare leaders who put “their principles above the definition of narrow self-interest”.
“This is proof of your character that you might enjoy working at a European Council meeting more than being the center of attention like this,” he added.
Germany was still in the process of preparing the government to replace Merkel, following the September election, he did not carry out a contest that saw his conservative CDU party handed over fat.

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