Moscow Meet: Russia, India said the Taliban had not fulfilled the appointment – News2IN

Moscow Meet: Russia, India said the Taliban had not fulfilled the appointment

Moscow Meet: Russia, India said the Taliban had not fulfilled the appointment
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Moscow’s format calculation on Wednesday, which will see participation by the Taliban and 10 countries including India, will underline the need for inclusive government in Afghanistan and seek consolidated international efforts to fend the humanitarian crisis in the country.
While Moscow said the joint results documents will also be adopted after talks, both Russia and India expressed reservations about Taliban’s behavior in recent months that have seen them deny promises made for women and minorities.
The Indian Ambassador to Russia D B Venkatesh Varma said in Moscow a few days ago that “ in recent months, unfortunately we have seen that Afghanistan is a broken appointment story “.
“ Do the Taliban will support their commitment and back words with acts – we will wait and see, “he told Russia every day Kommersant.
Moscow’s format talk was preceded by the meeting on Tuesday Troika which was expanded where Russia, China and Pakistan, according to Moscow, exchanged views on general security threats and expressed interest in providing Afghan humanitarian and economic assistance.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, however, said that after the meeting that the recognition for the Taliban government was not in the discussion and that Moscow still pushed the Taliban to fulfill the promises they made when they were in power.
India is likely to support proposals by Russia at talks for the United Nations Conference to provide humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan.
PM Narendra Modi has called for an urgent and direct human assistance to the Afghans and ‘inclusive administration’ in the G20 address.
Before sending assistance, India wants an environment that allows the United Nations to ensure the distribution of non-discriminatory assistance to the Afghans.
The Taliban will be represented in the Moscow format talks, where they hope for steps towards international recognition, with a delegation led by Abdul Salam Hanafi, Deputy Second Prime Minister.
Interestingly, the US did not participate in the Troika-Plus meeting apparently because it was “ logistically difficult ‘but it was disclosed support for the format.
Although there is no real breakthrough expected in talks on Wednesday, participating countries are expected to suppress the Taliban for more inclusive administration.
Both Russia and India believe that the Taliban government is currently not inclusive and it should not accept international recognition in the current form.

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