Myanmar missed the ASEAN Summit after his military ruler was excluded – News2IN
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Myanmar missed the ASEAN Summit after his military ruler was excluded

Myanmar missed the ASEAN Summit after his military ruler was excluded
Written by news2in

Kuala Lumpur: Southeast Asian leaders began their annual Summit without Myanmar on Tuesday amid diplomatic deadlock over the exclusion of military-ruled country leaders from group meetings from group meetings.
Myanmar missed the Summit in protests after the Association of Southeast Asian (ASEAN) closed the window from his meeting.
ASEAN’s refusal to allow General Min Aung Hlaing’s seniors to represent Myanmar at Puncak is the hardest warning of the country’s military ruler since they overthrew the civil leader Aung San Suu Kyi in February.
Brunei, who is the head of the 7-member block this year, invited the highest ranking veteran diplomat of Myanmar, Chan Aye, as a “non-political” representative, but he did not attend the meeting, Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi told reporters in Jakarta.
Marsudi said President Joko Widodo told the summit that the unprecedented ASEAN rankings of Myanmar’s participation “was a difficult decision but must be done.” Apart from the principles of ASEAN bedrock from non-interference in matters and other members’ affairs and consensus, Widodo said it would be “also obliged to enforce other principles in the ASEAN Charter such as democracy, good governance, respect for human rights and the government constitutional, “Marsudi,” said.
“As a family, ASEAN assistance must be offered to Myanmar, Indonesia consistently hopes that democracy through an inclusive process can be quickly restored in Myanmar,” he said by saying Widodo.
Myanmar’s military takeover triggered extensive protests and actions Hard by the authorities.
Security forces are estimated to have killed nearly 1,200 civilians, although the government has claimed a lower dead D.
With Suu Kyi and other civil leaders arrested.
Thai Prime Minister Chan-O-Cha told the summit that the Myanmar crisis was a test of ASEAN’s ability to resolve his own regional problems, the Thai government spokesman Thailand Thailand Wangboonkongchana.
Prayut expressed hope that Myanmar would trust ASEAN and let Eriwan meet all parties concerned as an important first step in resolving the crisis, said Thanakorn.
Three-day talks, held by videos because of concern Coronavirus, will join other world leaders including US President Joe Biden and Chinese and Russian leaders.
This will be the first time since 2017 that the US President has attended the ASEAN Summit.
The meeting is expected to highlight the Crisis of Myanmar that deteriorated and regional security and other economic problems.
While ASEAN took a big step to exclude Min Aung Hlaing from the Summit, a group of parliamentarians who worked to increase the rights in the region, the ASEAN parliament for human rights, urged blocks on Tuesday to be involved with the government of the Myanmar Opposition National Unity.
Nug looked at himself as a shadow government and had tried to attend the ASEAN Summit.
“ASEAN must stop inviting other Junta representatives for all official ASEAN meetings until there is an end to violence, all political prisoners are released, and the people’s will for full democracy has been heard,” the group said in a statement.
On Monday, a senior US official held a virtual meeting with two representatives of Nug.
Jake Sullivan National Security Advisor “underlines our sustainable support for the pro-democracy movement” and expressed concern for military violence.
Sullivan said Washington would continue to seek the release of all who were “detained unfairly,” including leading pro-democracy activists Ko Jimmy, who were arrested in the attack on Saturday.

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