New bacteria can produce peanut products – News2IN

New bacteria can produce peanut products

New bacteria can produce peanut products
Written by news2in

Rajkot: New bacteria found at Saurashtra University not only promised to improve plant yields but also guarantee better quality plants.
The findings by the Animal Biotechnology Department have been published in the International Scientific Journal “Anand Agricultural University On Agriculture.
The Groundnut is chosen because this is a mainstream of Saurashtra and this region is one of the highest peanut producers in the country.
According to paper, rhizosphere, narrow zones of land near the root of the plant, is a hot point for microbial activity.
Rhizosphere Microbiota Direct or indirectly benefit the plant by adding nutrition, produce favorable chemicals or press pathogens.
Attractive plants and modulate bacteria in the rhizosphere by releasing exudates.
Plants also tend to choose the Rhizosphere microbiota based on their needs.
Ramesh Kothari, Professor Microbiology in Su And this paper writer, said, “Bacteria promoted plant growth (PGP) such as Bacillus enriched during the midst of the construction of plants but there was a decrease in PGP organisms in the stages of plants due.
Overall, this study illustrates changes in microbiota rhizosphere beans during different stages of plant development and can help design specific bio strategy stages such as bio-fertilizers to improve crop yields.
“According to paper, many studies have seen the effects of soil types, geographical locations, plant genotypes but very few who see microbiomas changes throughout the cycle of plant development.
Ankit Hinsu, a student from the department who conducted this research in the laboratory said,” This is good for Land if we can reduce as much use of chemical fertilizers as possible and go to organic farming.
For this reason, it is important to know which bacteria will be included at what stage.
When plants grow, bacteria that help plant changes.
We prepare an important mix of bacteria after checking their property and based on this research, we recommend how many bacteria can be mixed in what amount at the stage to support the factory.
“Samples of various G-20 nuts are mostly planted in Saurashtra used to learn.

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