New Covid-19 Variant ‘Possible’ This Year: French Expert Top – News2IN

New Covid-19 Variant ‘Possible’ This Year: French Expert Top

New Covid-19 Variant 'Possible' This Year: French Expert Top
Written by news2in

Paris: The main adviser of the French government in Covid-19 warns on Friday that the new variant of this disease will “may” appear in the winter this year.
This country is currently against a surge in new cases that have been unprecedented caused by a more contagious Delta variant, which was first recorded in India.
“We may have other variants arrive during the winter,” Jean-Francois Delfraissy, head of the French government scientific council, told the BFM news channel.
He said that he could not predict the consequences, or would be more dangerous, adding that Covid-19 had a “relatively limited” capacity to mutate.
Infectious disease specialists urge the French people to return to social distance and wear masks and say “return to normal” maybe in 2022 or 2023.
“The big challenge for the next few years will be how we will go -Exist, with two worlds: Discidable countries and those who don’t, “he said.
The government’s strategy containing the fourth wave of cases is currently based on the introduction of the “Pass Health” system that requires people to show evidence of vaccination or negative tests when entering public places.
Since Wednesday, cinemas, museums, swimming pools and sports have been asked to ask visitors to their health credentials, which lead to criticism from some of which limit freedom that is not vaccinated.
The lower parliamentary house approved the legal design in early Friday morning which would expand the system to cafes and restaurants from next month, and make mandatory vaccination for health workers and social care from September.
The law will now be examined during an emergency session by the upstream Senate, with the government hoping for approval at the weekend.

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