No VID district reaches the first dose coverage target – News2IN
Nagpur Uncategorized

No VID district reaches the first dose coverage target

No VID district reaches the first dose coverage target
Written by news2in

Nagpur: None of the 11 districts – even those who have the number of people who are eligible for Covid vaccination – in Vidarbha have been able to achieve the first dose coverage target set by the Ministry of Public Health.
Vidarbha has a 1.81 crore target.
As on Saturday morning, this region has completed the first 1.51 crore dose and 84.17 lakh second dose.
In the Nagpur Division, 8.68 lakh people were still not vaccinated while Amravati the number was 20.96 lakh.
Local administration claims that they are very close to the target in a particular zone.
The city of Nagpur, said the top city commissioner of Ram Joshi, only 7,000 targets 19.73 lakh.
“We now focus on the second dose,” he said.
In Bhandara, more than 41,000 people – the lowest in Vidarbha – still not vaccinated even though the district has a second lowest target of 8.98 lakh.
According to the administration there, the original population migration and many who take their dose elsewhere are REASH behind the graph does not move as fast as.
The Gachichroli district has a lowest target of 8.37 lakh but still 2.31 lakh people have not taken their first dose.
Gadchiroli District collector Sanjay Meena said they were extensively pushed the coverage of the last mile but connectivity and accessibility was the main challenge.
“The western part of the district that has seven Talukas has given a good response, taking coverage to 90%.
Five talukas which are interior parts have reached 60% of the first dose coverage so far,” said a collector.
Meena said a lot of rest at the door-to-door drive now “because the villagers did not come to the health center”.
“They are busy with agricultural work which is a priority for them for vaccines.
So, we reach them in the night camp who get a good response,” he said.
Further collectors say that there is no new deadline specified but every day 10,000 first and second doses are given.
All districts have been able to cut backlogs around 37 lakh earlier this month.
It has dropped to 29.65 lakh.
The Nagpur district has 2.29 lakh doses due.
This is mostly coming from the rural part.
Administration has estimated that a large number of eligible populations took their first dose from the district when the vaccine shortage was normal.
At 5.51 lakh, Yavatmal has a quantity of a qualified population that does not meet the requirements.
Amravati has greatly reduced a population that was not vaccinated to 4.78 lakh from a defeat of more than 10 lakh a month ago.
The state government has set a deadline for November 30 for all districts to complete the first dose of the eligible population but many cannot achieve them.
It is hoped that people will continue to show the same spirit but the footsteps have been dipped.

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