Nominees of the nominee of the US Biden president who failed to say he got the threat of death, there was no protection – News2IN
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Nominees of the nominee of the US Biden president who failed to say he got the threat of death, there was no protection

Nominees of the nominee of the US Biden president who failed to say he got the threat of death, there was no protection
Written by news2in

Nominee failed President Joe Biden to run alcohol bureau, tobacco, firearms and explosives said he faced the threat of death while the US Senate remembered it but the administration refused to give it security.
ATF agents and old weapons control David Chipman said in an interview on Wednesday that he hired a security advisor after repeatedly telling the FBI and his handled in the Ministry of Justice assigned to help him navigate the confirmation process.
The White House earlier this month pulled the chipman nomination to lead the ATF, where he worked for 25 years, after Senator Angus Raja, an independent person who usually chose the Democrats, refused the nomination.
In five months after being nominated for the agency, it has become a repeat threat target, Chipman said.
“What cares about me is that no one in the government I know about who is willing to take responsibility for my own safety or safety of my wife,” he said.
“I talked to the FBI.
They are like:” Well, is there anything? We investigate crime.
“I said: ‘Well, that’s not what I’m looking for.
Who has my security?’ “In a statement to Reuters, an official of the Ministry of Justice said that safety problems were needed seriously and that the department of reviewing whether Chipman needed security.
“The department evaluates the need for protection based on Mr.
In addition, the department reaches local law enforcement to make them aware of Mr.
Chipman’s concern,” the official said.
White House Press Secretary Jen PSaki said on Wednesday the administration distributed the frustration of Chipman that he was not confirmed.
ATF’s leadership has long been full of politics.
The Senate has confirmed only one candidate to the post in the last 15 years, thanks to a fierce lobby from a strong gun advocacy group including the National Rifle Association (NRA).
But Chipman, who still served as a senior policy advisor with the Giffords Gun Control Group Advocacy, faced additional obstacles, including the social media disinformation campaign which he said was driven in part by the National Sports Shooting Foundation (NSSF).
He said this group circulated Bogus claiming that he had killed women and children during the 1993 deadlock in Waco, Texas.
NSSF spokesman Mark Oliva acknowledged his organization posted a blog citing a daily letter article that was incorrectly claimed by Chipman described in the photo taken in Waco.
“When it became clear that it wasn’t him, we took the photo,” he said, said the threat of Chipman faced “despicable.” The threat of death has become an increasing factor in US politics, from hundreds of people who invaded the Capitol on January 6, trying to reverse the Donald Trump election defeat, for telephone threats made for electoral workers and plots to kidnap Governor Michigan with Michigan’s policy intended to stem the spread of Covid -19.
Read More Chipman said he took a certain record of one letter threatening the postmark postmark, Michigan, who was given last year’s plot against Governor Michigan Gretchen Whitcher.
Chipman said he hired a security advisor to identify credible threats and plan a safe trip.
He said he intended to remain in Giffords, founded by a democratic former US Representative Gabby Giffords after he was injured by an armed man in an attempt to murder in Arizona 2011.
“I can’t be on the sidelines at this point in our history,” he said .

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