Not allowed to meet his wife, humans end life – News2IN

Not allowed to meet his wife, humans end life

Written by news2in

Rajkot: Two people were booked after a 22-year-old man who allegedly ended his life at Jetpur Taluka on Tuesday.
Chirag Viradiya consumed poison on his farm in Umradi Village after his mother-in-law and his brother harassed him and asked him to divorce his wife Krupali.
Krupali and Viradiya married quietly because family members opposed their relationship.
Then, Krupali’s family accepted marriage and decided to organize formal wedding functions in the presence of all relatives and friends.
Before the wedding ceremony, the involvement function was held and Krupali was sure to live with his parents to marriage.
When Viradiya went to Krupali’s house in Rajkot, he was not allowed to meet his wife.
Mother and Uncle Krupali misused Viradiya and asked him to divorce the girl.
The police said that a Viradiya was injured and insulted then ended his life.
The police ordered Mother and Uncle Krupali to be suicide after Father Viradiya Harsukh filed a complaint against both.

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