Not mentioned about Omicron in the patre report. Official confirmation, said it’s technical – News2IN
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Not mentioned about Omicron in the patre report. Official confirmation, said it’s technical

Not mentioned about Omicron in the patre report. Official confirmation, said it's technical
Written by news2in

Nagpur: On Thursday, Arvind Patre (40) received a statement of sequencing genomes prepared by Pune-based National Virology Institute (NIV).
But, he refused to accept it as an Omicron positive report confirmed even though the supervisory and research agencies were insisted that there was no room for all doubts.
On Thursday, as reported by TOI, Patre (he has allowed paper) asking the authorities for the positive report of his Omicron.
A citizenship official sent him the NIV report about WhatsApp which he shared with TOI who wanted confirmation.
Patre, who was dismissed from AIIMS on Wednesday, has doubts because the report does not mention the technical terms of the new variant B1.1.529 or ‘confirm Omicron’, but only mention the variant that is a concern.
He questioned this step to declare an Omicron patient when his report stated that he was “possibility of omicron” in accordance with the NIV report.
“Am I an Omicron patient? There is no confirmation in the report.
It just says ‘the possibility of omicron (ba.1 likes)’.
They have put me on high supervision even though on paper I am not a patient who is confirmed,” Patre said.
The NIV-Toi official spoke to confirm it was prepared by them but refused to comment on his findings.
Pradeep kicked, the State Public Health Supervision Office, told TII, “it is an Omicron case confirmed without doubt.
How to read the Genome test report and the interpretation is better explained by the Research Community.
For us, this is a new variant and we must be very careful Heart.
This person (Patre) comes from West Africa and has no symptoms.
He can be detected only because of aggressive supervision by Nagpur civilian officials.
From 32, he is the only case of reinfection, “he said.
Where the results of other omicron patients are similar, Dr.
Shate said, “This is a technical scientific term and cannot be easily explained to the public in a short time.
‘Omicron’, ‘Omicron tends to’ and ‘Omicron may’ have been mentioned based on the case for the case .
“He explained that the whole genome had several layers.
“Learn to use a lot of analytical software by experts.
When it matches 100%, then we call it a confirmed case.
But if it is 99.99%, it is classified as possible or possibilities.
However, that means the genome matches 99%,” said Dr.
Collecting PCR and landed in Delhi and after that Nagpur 5.
He was tested for Nagpur airport and was asked to go home and isolate himself as Patre has not returned from the country ‘at risk’.
When the test report was positive on December 7, the hand official moved it to the AIIMS special ward for Omicron patients.
He was dismissed on the 10th day after a negative report.
On Wednesday, Patre told Ti that his company refused to give leave sanctions unless he submitted a positive Omicron report.
He is the only air passenger for the Nagpur whose sample shows omicron tension.

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