Nu admn nu senate because of failing students by marking them absent – News2IN
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Nu admn nu senate because of failing students by marking them absent

Nu admn nu senate because of failing students by marking them absent
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Nagpur University Senate meeting on Wednesday began in the storm tone with members cornering his government on various problems related to students and slamming it because they did not act on their repeated complaints.
The first offline meeting in one and half-year due to the pandemic and also the first for the new government under the representative of Chaudhari Subhash Chancellor and Pro-VC Sanjay Dudhe.
Members, including Pravin Udapure and Manmohan Bajpayee, raised the problem of the test failed about 1,400 students by marking them “absent” despite the fact that they appeared for newspapers.
They said the students were made suffering because there were no mistakes and demoralization after being stated as failed.
On September 3, TOI has reported a state of more than 350 students who were shocked after being marked.
Toi quoted the Zareena Joya case, which was awarded a gold medal in a meeting last year but was declared not present in MSc (Mathematics) papers.
SUSVENING that he himself emerged as a student in NU’s online exam and faced many technical disruptions during his paper for NU’s fault.
He said the university also made several mistakes and could not give money only on our exam has clearly instructed the principal and teacher about preventive measures to be taken during the exam.
I even made a video and circulated it on whatsapp number students on many of these instructions.
Proctoring software quickly detects suspicious activities and immediately stops the paper.
It caused students to be marked to miss the newspaper and then declared failed, “he said when moving because of the wind, Proctoring software was immediately activated and marked the absence.” This software allows ten calls or notifications from applications such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and others and others and others and others and others Then block suspicious paper.
Even someone who passes from behind students is immediately detected.
We have time and return to the exam participants not to take screenshot because they are under suspicious activity by the software.
We all recording like that, “Sable said.
After the complaint swelled to 1,400, NU had formed a panel under the Management Board Member (MC) to verify the complaint and advise medicine.” We see all recordings with the examination section where students make certain mistakes because They don’t read the instructions carefully.
However, the panel has recommended taking their exam, “said MC member Urmila Dabir and Nitin Kongre.
Mabel added that NU had fluently carried out a PhD entrance exam on the same platform but did not receive any complaints.” We have done around 10 lakh papers which is only 1,400 marked absent.
“Members forced VC to allow the media in the Senarate VC Subhash Chaudhari forbade the media from the Senate meeting, united members against their decisions and warned them that they would not do so let the house function unless reporters were invited.
Members, led by Manmohan Bajpayee and Wisnu Changde, highly protesting the VC movement called it “undemocratic”.
The feeling of the Senate with Parliament and the State Assembly, members said the media was the fourth pillar of democracy and its presence was needed to ensure transparency Senate Teacher Meeting Hirnya and they did not let the house function at that time.
With no other alternative, VC, which was originally reluctant, must submit to the request of members.
He instructed the media coordinator to invite all journalists and postpone the house until then.

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