Of the 66 cases of Pocso in DK, 44 children have been conceived – News2IN

Of the 66 cases of Pocso in DK, 44 children have been conceived

Of the 66 cases of Pocso in DK, 44 children have been conceived
Written by news2in

Mangaluru: In the Dakshina Kannada area, including the limit of the city of Mangaluru, 66 cases are registered under the protection of children from sexual violations (Pocso) acting from January to July this year, and 44 survivors of this have been conceived.
This includes those who have delivered a baby, or was found to be pregnant when the case was registered.
Legal-cum-probation officer, Children’s Dakshina Kannada (DCPU) protection unit, Sowbhagya Shetty told Stoi, “Surprisingly to note that more than 50% of victims in the case of Pocso reported this year had been conceived.
Some of them were only 13 years old.
We have noticed that more cases are reported in rural areas, especially from uppinangady, sullion, venur and beltangady, when compared to city limits.
It’s sad to see pregnant children, and only after the fourth month or fifth pregnancy, when parents carry They went to the doctor, that the truth was revealed.
There was no doubt that some cases were not reported, “he said.
Officers also observed that easy access to pornography on cellphones was the main cause of concern.
“When the children first saw pornography, there was fear.
The second time they wanted to know, and they gradually became addicted, and after this point they wanted to experiment.
We have seen many cases where children try to get sexual pleasure from Their family members, including parents and men who exploit their sisters sexually, “Sowbhagya said.
A police officer who has handled Pocso cases, felt the awareness of the problem among parents was the need for this hour.
“It’s not just about triggering expensive cellphone children, but also monitor what they do or watch that is also important.
Children Semah 10-12 have access to pornography and many are also aware of the contraception available,” he added.

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