Oneater sidewalk elevator: Shivaraj Kumar – News2IN

Oneater sidewalk elevator: Shivaraj Kumar

Written by news2in

MySuru: Kannada Actor Shivaraj Kumar on Sundays did not approve the sustainable restrictions on the state government to allow only 50% of the capacity of seating in Cinema Halls.
He said further about the film industry.
The Minsiter Chair will be asked to remove this limitation, he said.
On Saturday, the government announced relaxation with respect to Covid-19, including withdrawal of night curfew, hat sitting 50% on hotels, bars and restaurants.
“I collected detail in this case yesterday.
We need to live with Covid.
Life is also important.
All sectors are given the exception of this 50% rule.
I don’t know why the theater is not allowed to have full capacity,” he said, added: “We will meet with The main minister and appeal.
He has helped the cinema industry many times before.
“” Because of this 50% limitation, filmmaker will not advance to release a new film, and this will affect the cinema field, “he said.
He said the school would soon be opened in Shaktidhama, the rehabilitation center and development of women run by him.

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