Open surgery is needed in Pope’s operation: Media – News2IN

Open surgery is needed in Pope’s operation: Media

Open surgery is needed in Pope's operation: Media
Written by news2in

Rome: The surgeon who operates on Pope Francis initially began with laparoscopic which was less invasive, but open operation was needed in the end, the Italian newspaper reported on Tuesday.
The report said the 84-year-old Ponsiff did not require a colostomy after surgery for a inflamed intestine on Sundays, and there was no evidence of fever afterwards.
Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni said on Monday Pope “in a good general condition, alert and breathe spontaneously” after the operation planned for what he described as a diverticular goal stenosis of symptoms.
The three-hour procedure was carried out under general anesthesia and Francis underwent the left hemicolstomi, where the intestine point of the part was attached to the rectum was released, the Vatican said.
The remaining large intestine is then attached directly to the rectum.
Bruni said the Pope would be at the Gemelli Roma hospital for seven days of “restrictions on complications”.
Surgery was initially planned as laparoscopy, also known as a keyhole operation, where the thin tube was put into the body, several Italian newspapers said.
But they said the presence of scars from the previous stomach surgery needed laparotomy, a type of open operation.
Health experts say it’s unusual to change the method during surgery.
Francis was in the same suite on the 10th floor of the Gemelli Hospital used by Pope John Paul II, which was often there so he naved his “Vatican 3”, the third was in line after the small towns and pepal summer palaces at Castel Gandolfo on Outside of Rome.
The end of the Pope underwent the operation there seven times, including after his life effort in 1981, and for the tumor in the intestine in 1992.
Pope Francis had suffered illness because of the diverticulitis inflammation of the bag formed on the large intestine wall for several months but scheduled operations for summer To give time to conveal, according to the Corriere Della Sera newspaper.
The Pope has placed a general audience on Wednesday for summer and has no official promises on the calendar until Sunday when he will lead the prayer of Angelus.
If, as expected, he was still in the hospital on Sunday, he could follow the example of John Paul II and lead Angelus from the window of his hospital.

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