Pakistan exploits the scope of enrichment of uranium in the Baltistan Gilgit – News2IN
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Pakistan exploits the scope of enrichment of uranium in the Baltistan Gilgit

Pakistan exploits the scope of enrichment of uranium in the Baltistan Gilgit
Written by news2in

Gilgit Baltistan: Violating international law, Pakistan has exploited the scope of uranium enrichment in Pakistan-occupied Gilgit-Baltistan, is confirmed by local residents and political activists from the occupied regions.
The sources at Gilgit Baltistan said the Pakistani experts from the Atomic Energy Material Center (AEMC) had visited the Hunider area in Hunza Nagar, the Skardu Area and Ghizer at Gilgit Baltistan.
They also visited an enrichment site located near the village of values ​​in Malakand Regency in Khyber Province Pakhtunkhwa for uranium exploration.
Previously, there was a report that Pakistan had given a free hand to Chinese mining companies to loot natural resources at Gilgit Baltistan.
There are reports that more than 2,000 rent for gold mining, uranium and molybdenum have been given illegally to Chinese companies by the Pakistan government at Gilgit Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa occupied.
Dr Amjad Ayub Mirza, a political activist and journalist from Pakistan, who was occupied by Kashmir (POK), said that “Chinese geologists along with members of the mining company were in the Hunza-Nagar district.
They were accompanied by the Pakistani Military Geologist team.
Together they visited The mountains in Hunza Valley and Nagar which are said to be rich in uranium and other minerals that are mostly used in nuclear and space technology.
“He added,” the upper area of ​​Hunza above, such as Chapursan Valley was rented by the Government Asif Ali Zardari to China.
Rent details yet Ever published.
However, this has become a region without GO even for Pakistani soldiers even for the Pakistani army.
When Chinese continue to work on the construction of tunnels and mineral exploration.
Chinese miners have also acquired rent in the Astore District to extract high-quality copper “.
Mirza told Ani that the company explored uranium at Gilgit Baltistan was Shahzad International, which was considered one of the foreign contractors who had the largest rent in the region.
“Reports of applying crude oil and blasting techniques without feathers are used for excavation.
This causes extensive environmental damage since the gasoline-powered rock drill, both on the surface and underground is used.
This is not only harming miner.
Health, but also causes ecological damage Ireversibly.
Heavy deforestation also occurs in the area.
“In addition, Pakistan has also explored the possibility of mining uranium in Khyber Province Pakhtoonkhwa.
The village area values ​​in Pakistan has been attractive to the Pakistani Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) for mining uranium, under the new Khel uranium mining project.
The project, with the estimated cost of Pakistan Rs 2.416 million, is scheduled to be carried out for 2020-2025.
However, it has been postponed for various reasons.
As planned, 36 wells must be drilled to facilitate uranium enriching through the In situ Leach (ISL) process to produce 125 tons of uranium for 5 years.
Uranium exploration is a critical subject and concern for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the international community.
Pakistan has carried out this exploration without telling the international institution concerned.

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