Pakistan, the Afghan border fence line is completed: Officials – News2IN
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Pakistan, the Afghan border fence line is completed: Officials

Written by news2in

Islamabad: Pakistan and Taliban authorities in Afghanistan have been resolved last lines over the border fence by agreeing that further work on projects that cause the tense situation will be carried out through consensus, a media report says on Saturday.
A senior official, who spoke to a group of reporters in the background on Friday, said that it had been decided at the senior level that issues related to the future fence would be handled through a joint agreement, he said.
The official, however, was not appropriate for determining where the level of talks between Pakistan and the Afghanistan de facto government was detained after Wednesday’s incident where Taliban fighters were disturbed by the border fence and took the barbed wire rolls, the Dawn newspaper reported.
The fighters then also warned Pakistani soldiers to continue the fence.
The incident caused a tense situation in the area where it happened, he said.
The Defense Ministry both sides then held talks about this issue.
The Ministry of Taliban from border and tribal affairs is also reported to take part in the talks.
The official said the Taliban Defense Minister Mullah Yaqoob visited the area on Wednesday and tamed the situation.
“The dispute has quietly and calmly settled,” he said.
Pakistan has a 2600-kilometer long border fence with Afghanistan since 2017 to end terrorist infiltration and smuggling even though the opposition is very intense from neighboring countries, the report said.
In addition to fence erections, this project also includes the construction of border and fortress posts, and the increase in new wings of the border corps, paramilitary strength that maintains the border.
The official said 90 percent of the fence was finished.
Most of the fences have been built in unfriendly and in some places at very high altitudes.
This fence is expected to be completed at a cost of around $ 500 million.
Fencing has become an issue of debate in Pakistan-Afghanistan’s relationship because Afghanistan denied the demarcation of borders was carried out during the colonial period.
Pakistan, however, confirms that the lines that separate the two countries, also called Line Durand, is the applicable international border.
The difference in border status has so intense that they have in the past produced several fatal clashes between the two state troops.
The Pakistani construction team installed a fence against a number of opportunities to experience cross-border attacks by terrorists, the report said.
Islamabad always hopes that the Afghan Taliban will help in solving old problems.
However, that hasn’t happened yet.
The Taliban did not resolve the problem when they controlled Afghanistan 1996-2001 and did nothing substantive to overcome that at this time so far, the report said.
Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid, who is currently the Minister of Culture and Information on acting, said in an interview after the takeover of Kabul by the group on August 15, rejected the border fence with Pakistan.
“Afghans are not satisfied and oppose the fence.

Fencing has been separated by people and families divided,” he said.
Officials at the background briefing underestimated the Taliban opposition for the fence project.
“The fence is a reality.
Nearly 90 percent have been installed.
agree with it is not an option, “he said Continuous talks and efforts are being carried out to achieve completion.
There are more differences than TTP’s request for the release of prisoners.
Dialogue, however, does not reach a dead end, “he said.
TTP has on December 9 refused to extend the ceasefire for a month that began after accusing the authorities Pakistan does not fulfill their commitment.
Ha D ceasefire starts at T Angal 9 November after the initial progress in the conversation and it was mostly held.
TTP continued the attack immediately after ending the ceasefire.
The official was a little disappointed with the Afghan Taliban on TTP problems.
“They always emphasize that they will not allow the use of Afghan land against Pakistan, but practically we have seen no action,” he said.

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