Partner of the former Coalition hit the Poland leader ‘Fanatical’ – News2IN

Partner of the former Coalition hit the Poland leader ‘Fanatical’

Partner of the former Coalition hit the Poland leader 'Fanatical'
Written by news2in

Warsaw: The Polish-ruling party leader isolates his country and accidentally played into Russian hands, former Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Gowin told AFP in an interview on Tuesday.
Governed from Moscow in the Communist, Poland has since emerged as a noisy critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin and regularly encouraged strong actions against the former superpower.
But Gowin said moving by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader of the Law and Justice Party (PIS), playing in Putin’s hand.
“The practical results of their activities have recently been far more converging with Russian interests than Poland,” he said.
“I think Kaczynski is not aware of the consequences of his politics.” He was very sure that he was right, and contradicted the view of most of his circles.
“Gowin, whose agreement party was a junior partner in the coalition with Kaczynski’s PI for many years, last week after growing more contrary to PI.
One reason for breaking out is the proposed media law that Gowin said Gowin went” against a free speech and media pluralism “And” is dangerous for Poland both economically and “politically”.
If adopted, the law will force US group discoveries to provide control over the main TVN24 independent news channel.
In addition to arguing with the US, which said it was “very problematic” by media law, Poland was also involved in a row with the European Union for justice reform.
Gowin believes this action is more beneficial for the Kremlin than to Poland.
“Conflict with Berlin, Brussels, and Polish and Polish isolation at CIRC International and Poland Les is a dream come true for Vladimir Putin”, he said.
Gowin said he believed the Polish government would resign from the most contested part of his justice reform program for fear of losing EU money, but had a reservation about whether climbing would be genuine.
“I hope PIS will try to replace the current rules with other people who are equally unacceptable,” he said.
Gowin is known as a flexible player in the political arena who is very polarized Poland, after serving as minister in a government led by rivals around Kaczynski and former head of UE Donald Tusk.
His departure from the government has now thrown his future into doubts, with some observers saying it will not arrive at the next election scheduled for 2023.
Gowin said PIS it might call the election for next year’s spring next year and receive the highest number of sounds, though Close enough for the majority of themselves.
“I also believe it will not find coalition partners in the parliament of the future,” he said.
Gowin said he would be willing to join anyone for the sake of the country, adding that he worked to form a moderate Central right coalition.

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