Pocso Court punishes men up to 20-year prison – News2IN
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Pocso Court punishes men up to 20-year prison

City: Pocso Court in Bundi holds a guilty man because of raping a small child and sentenced him to 20 years in prison even after the victim pulled his statement to the police, officials said on Friday.
They said scientific evidence, including the presence of DNA cement from the 24-year-old banwari convict in wipe the survivor vagina, proved firmly in his punishment.
Child protection from sexual violations (Pocso) -1 also slapped the fine of RS 70,000 to him, said the public prosecutor Rakesh Thakur.
In his statement to the police the day after the incident, the 16-year-old victim accused Meena, along with his friend Sonu, kidnapped him from his home on February 2, 2020.
He said they took him on a motorcycle quietly nearby, where Meena raised him while Sonu guarded.
The victim said he had somehow managed to save himself and ran home that night but Meena then attacked his father.
“However, his family members signed a compromise with Meena, and as a result, he changed hostile in court and refused to identify him,” Deputy police supervisor and circle officers, Hindoli, Sunder Sunder on Friday.
“Scientific evidence in investigations is proven firm in belief.
The court, based on the forensic report on the presence of the cement DNA defendant in wipe the vaginal victim of a small rape, he is guilty,” he said.
According to Bishnoi, 17 witnesses, including the police who gathered evidence and conducted investigations and medical staff examining survivors, proved significant in confidence.
Sonu turned from the accusation due to lack of evidence, he said.
(The identity of the victim has not been disclosed to protect his privacy in accordance with the direction of the Supreme Court about cases related to sexual violence)

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