Police in Jamnagar Hosp, NCH limits intake – News2IN

Police in Jamnagar Hosp, NCH limits intake

Police in Jamnagar Hosp, NCH limits intake
Written by news2in

Rajkot / Letter / Vadodara: Impasse continued between government hospital doctors and the state government until the late Saturday even when the police were called at GG Hospital Jamnagar as a precautionary measure ‘to maintain law and order’.
While the doctors Jamangar claimed that electricity and water connections to their hostels were cut by the authorities, the doctor at a new civil hospital (NCH) said that the reception to the hospital was limited to the lack of staff.
The doctors broke down for the last four days at the request for the 1: 2 bond period was for Covid’s task.
The establishment of the government is that because cases have decreased steadily from mid-May, the period of doctor’s duty cannot be called double for calculating the bond period.
About 400 junior residents in Jamnagar and 350 in Rajkot Civil Hospital had joined the strike.
Gaurav Khaidya, a Junior Doctor at GG Hospital Jamnagar said, “How did the police enter the campus without dean permissions? The college authorities had issued our transfer orders and asked us to empty the hostel.
They also cut water and electricity connections last night.” However , a senior police said that the police were deployed to be in the GG Hospital because there was a function to inaugurate oxygen plants there where a number of VIP guests were present.
“Therefore to maintain the law and order the police to have been deployed.
They will leave as soon as their functions are complete,” said the senior police.
Ravi Kothari, a doctor at a civil hospital Rajkot said, “We are nervous about our transfer.” The state government on Friday issued a transfer order for a junior doctor and asked them to empty the dorm room.
The resident doctor at the SSG Run Hospital in Vadodara continued their strike even when the efforts made to resolve the deadlock, also failed on Saturday.
Although based on the direction of the state government, the Dean of Medical College, Baroda Dr.
Tanuja Javadekar has issued a notification on Friday night asking a junior resident to empty the dormitory, the junior doctors remain firm that they will not leave the hostel place.
Until Saturday night, there was no power used to get a hostel place.
Meanwhile, three officials including medical supervisors Professor of SSG Hospital Ranjan Aiyer, Dean of Medical College, Baroda Javadekar and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Dr.
Hemant Mathur met Jai Prakash Health Commissioner Shivahare along with representatives from other medical colleges.
“The Commissioner insisted that we influenced and convince the doctor who lived to end the strike.
He insisted that every negotiations will take place only after the strike was pulled,” said an official who was part of the meeting.
Previously on that day, the doctor and anxious internship took out a massive rally to suppress their demands.
State managed hospitals face extreme labor shortages even when labor from PHC and CHC has associated.
“We have made alternative arrangements but no additional workers who can compensate for 450 residents,” Ayer admitted.
In the letter, around 400 resident doctors in NCH continue their strikes until their demands are not fulfilled.
“We have asked medical staff from the Ministry of Health.
Some non-clinical tutors and assistant professors have been assigned their duties to handle patients,” said an official NCH.

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