Pollination effecting Covid spread: Expert – News2IN

Pollination effecting Covid spread: Expert

Pollination effecting Covid spread: Expert
Written by news2in

VADODARA: The Covid-19 advisor to the Vadodara district administration has hinted at the possibility of pollination contributing to the spread of the virus.
Recent research in different countries have revealed this, the advisor said.
The advisor Dr Sheetal Mistry pointed out that the research was conducted in 31 countries by 150 scientists.
He added that they had concluded that Covid-19 spread more during spring and autumn when pollination took place.
Mistry said that in India, spring prevailed from February to May while September and October were autumn months.
He added that over the years pollination had also increased due to climate change.
“When inhaled, pollens affected immunity and a person became prone to infections including viral infections.
The pollen can also work a bioaerosols and carry the infection from one person to another,” Mistry said.
Mistry pointed out that the wave in spring was large as compared to that in September and October.
He added that if one went by this, the next big wave would hit in February 2022.
“We must focus on vaccination to ensure this does not happen.
But a lot will also depend on how the vaccine works against mutant strains,” he said.

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