Pope inspired me for family values, said the Hungarian Orban – News2IN

Pope inspired me for family values, said the Hungarian Orban

Pope inspired me for family values, said the Hungarian Orban
Written by news2in

Budapest: Hungarian National Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday that his recent meeting with Pope Francis encouraged him to continue to maintain traditional families through couples who avoided their immigration differences.
In power since 2010, the Orban has thrown himself as the Savior of Hungarian culture on Muslim migration to Europe and the protector of Christian values ​​against Western liberalism.
It has won domestic popularity – even though he faces a potentially difficult election next year bring criticism from groups and LGBT campaigners.
“The meeting gave me a very strong encouragement,” Oraban said about his meeting with Francis for seven extraordinary hours to stay in Hungary.
“The Holy Father explains that the fight we do to protect the family is the most important struggle in connection with the European future,” he added on general radio.
Last year, Hungary changed its constitutional definition of family to effectively prohibit adoption by the same sex partner: another victory for conservatives but stated by rights groups.
Orban quoted the Pope as told him during their 40-minute meeting that there should be no debate or argument over traditional family units.
“Go ‘” he declared himself stronger than I had done …
(he said) the family consisted of a father, a mother, and children, stopped full, “Oran said.
“Moreover, he said: Please, go for it.
And go for it we will.” Both Orban and Pope, in reading on Thursday, the Immigration said was not discussed.
Francis often denounced what he saw as the revival of the nationalist and populist movement, and criticized countries that tried to resolve the crisis of migration with unilateral or isolationist actions.
Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni called the meeting friendly, and Francis told reporters that the birth rate, the law to give incentives to have babies, and the environment was discussed.
“I gave a hat,” Pope said about Hungarian efforts to clean the river and maintain the environment, adding that he intended a full visit in 2022 or 2023.
The Pope said on a plane that could not be imposed by the Church but the government must provide gay rights legal rights in fields such as health care, retirement, and inheritance.
In June, Hungary adopted a law that prohibits “display and promotion of homosexuality” among the 18s despite criticism from discriminatory rights and EU groups.
Orban said the law protected children.

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