Pubg: BattleGrounds Players can now share ‘Epic Fail’ moments in their games to win the G-Coin, Battle Pass and real life trophy – News2IN

Pubg: BattleGrounds Players can now share ‘Epic Fail’ moments in their games to win the G-Coin, Battle Pass and real life trophy

Pubg: BattleGrounds Players can now share 'Epic Fail' moments in their games to win the G-Coin, Battle Pass and real life trophy
Written by news2in

As soon as the transition is free, Pubg: BattleGrounds is one of the most popular games in Steam with more than 690,000 active players every day on January 12.
Now, developers want players to share their ‘epic failure’ moments from the game.
Krafton has announced that it is a hosting Epic Fail Publik event in the pubg: battlegrounds for PC users and consoles.
As part of a new event, new players and those who already have to submit the ‘failure’ moment in their favorite games through their social media to accommodate the opportunity to win the currency in the game, the G-Coin, the next and real trophy survivor pass.
This event has lived now and will end at 12:30 PM IST, February 23.
To participate in the event, players need to share fun and interesting moments from the pubg: Battlegrounds via Twitter, Instagram or Facebook using #PubGepicFailS.
The developer has highlighted that each post must contain the nickname in the game and the platform of their choice (Playstation, Xbox, Steam).
The event winner will be announced on February 28.
A total of 22 winners will be selected randomly who will receive 20,000 g-coins, 16.2 victim pass and real life trophy.
Additional 100 winners will be chosen as ‘best weekly’ who will receive a random g-coin chest that will contain between 500 and 50,000 g-coins.

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